Thursday, August 14, 2008

Remembering Grandma

**Today is the day that Grandma will be remembered and hopefully honored. She had so many friends, everyone loved her. Here is what my cousin will read for me today.

Good evening friends and family. I want to thank all of you for making the time to come celebrate the life of a very special woman. I would love to be there reading this myself, but I flew up from Florida to visit Grandma in July while there still was time. It was what she wanted.
Years ago Grandma called to tell me how bad Grandpa was getting. She gave me a choice of coming then or coming not long after for his funeral. Grandma bought me a plane ticket so I could say good bye to Grandpa before he left. She knew it was important and I will always be grateful. That was just one of many times Grandma showed me her amazing love.
I have so many great memories with Grandma. We have always shared a very special relationship. I could always tell her anything and usually did. She listened better than anyone and she would consistently give solid, caring advice. She loved me before I was born and I think that love grew everyday. And I will continue to love her more everyday long after the pain of losing her grows and then fades.
I thank God Grandma is not suffering now. And although I selfishly want her back, I know she is better than ever surrounded by more love than anyone can imagine. I love you Grandma and I'll miss you dearly until we see each other again.

**Here is the link for her obituary. Grandma only had 9 great-grandkids and 11 are listed. My mom included my brothers friends daughters, Cora & Drew. Grandma loved these little girls and they loved her. I had asked that they list them as special adopted grandkids. I have been really upset about this because I made it clear that I wasn't comfortable with it.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

beautiful words Amy...I am sure she was listening with pride and love.Thinking about you and you family during this time.
love ya