Monday, September 3, 2007

I hate cancer

Another day and another reason to hate cancer. I found out today that my dad's colon cancer has returned. Thankfully his leukemia is still in remission. We aren't close and never have been, but he's still my dad. I do love him and I have forgiven him for not being a part of my life. I only started contact with him a few years ago. We live in different states and he hates talking on the phone so we don't talk much. I usually get my updates from his mom, my Nana.
And if this doesn't already suck, there is more bad news. My step brother has bone cancer in one of his ankles and he will lose that leg from the knee down. I haven't met Eric but he is my brother and a young father. His family had to up and move out of state for treatment.
But wait I have more news!! My grandma had a growth removed from her lip last week and you guessed it, it was cancer. The good news is that they think they got it all. She just lost her left breast to cancer last fall, but so far no signs of that returning.
As upsetting as all this news is it's nothing compared to a child having cancer. I just don't understand why we as humans aren't doing more to find a cure. Celebrities are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and in some cases millions of dollars for a wedding. It's sad because most don't stay married. At the same time our children are dying because there are no more treatment options. I just can't imagine.
There are five dad's that are getting ready to ride their bikes 3, 700 miles to raise awareness and funds to be able to start a new treatment for neuroblasoma. The doctors told these parents that there is a promising new treatment, but must they would need a a huge amount of money to get going. Let's see, a million dollar wedding or a possible new treatment option??
We can ALL doing something to see that a cure is found. Knowledge is power, so tell someone .

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