Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm finally ready to get back in shape and lose some serious weight. I lost 48 lbs. in 6 months in 2007. I did it as a fundraiser and I really enjoyed feeling good and doing good. In October of 07 I had bladder surgery and had to take it easy for a while. Then I had a weird infection on my leg and all sorts of crazy stuff stuff happen. My thyroid was out of whack and my vitamin B-12 too. Then I lost a brother-in-law, our niece lost her boyfriend, then my mom, my grandma and to top it off; my dog.
I have put 44 of those pounds back on. I am so out of shape, my clothes don't fit and I feel awful. I am done with excuses and I'm ready to get healthy again. I have bronchitis right now but I think it's on it's way out. So Monday I start taking better care of me.

1 comment:

jag said...

I'm cheering for you girl!