Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Last year

I thought it would be cool to look back a year ago and see what I was blogging about. This was posted 1-11-08 and I really like it, so here it is for your reading pleasure.

Dancing trees
I took the kids to the park one day during Christmas break. It was really windy that day but other than that it was perfect, a real Chamber of Commerce day. As we got of of the van Nana says, "look mommy, the trees are dancing!!" and she was so excited about it. At first I was thinking how are they dancing, and then I stopped and actually looked at the trees and you know what; they were dancing! I guess I had never described a windy day in such a way, but I love it.I love how my kids describe people, places and things. And I'm always amazed at how different we see things than our kids, sometimes. I still wonder sometimes if I'm 'grown-up' yet. I remember being about 10 and thinking that when you turned a certain age you would somehow get all the answers to life's questions. I'll be 35 this year and I still wonder when I'll have all the answers. I do know that I will get those answers one day; it just won't be here on Earth. So until then I'll be watching the trees dance and enjoying their beauty.


Tracy Solomon said...

Kids' answers are so much more clear than adult answers. Katia has such a brilliant and insightful way of looking at things. Not only do the trees dance but they don't worry about tomorrow and they don't fret over what happened yesterday. Obviously we have to think about tomorrow as we have responsibilites and what happened in our yesterdays will have an effect on us but sometimes we just don't know when to "let our hair down" and let the day take us where it may and enjoy it. I am the Queen of planning things out most of the time so I need to learn that lesson the most! I have the best example of just living by the seat of your pants right under my nose so there is hope for me:)

Nana is a beautiful little reminder of enjoying the day watching the trees dance. I used to like finding the shapes in the clouds and just spinning around outside until I would drop. I wonder what my neighbors thought of me when I was a kid? Oh, who cares!

Lots of love, Give a Nana a squeeze:)


Tracy said...

Hi Miss Amy-
I loved the picture in my head when I thought of Savannah's "dancing trees".
Through a childs eyes we can see the world in such a different and better way.
I totally agree with Tracy S.-she is a very wise woman and much more articulate than me!
Oh by the way I tagged you-check out my blog!
Love ya