Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's the little things.........

......that makes life so sweet. A smile from a stranger, laughter of a friend. Here some other things that put a smile in my heart and on my face.
*I love to get email's and snail mail
*watching my husband play with our children
*playing with my kids
*finding an old picture I haven't seen in years
*finding an old friend
*talking to a nice person on the phone
*making silly little goodie bags for my kids classes
*hearing others praise my kids
*hugs & kisses
I could go on and on but I'm pretty tired and ready to go to bed. I can't believe that tomorrow is Halloween! Time is just flying. Matt and I are taking the kids trick-or-treating. Austin is going to be Freddy Kruger, Luke will be a rock star and Savannah will be Cinderella. They are REALLY excited. We painted pumpkins this evening. Good Times!!

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