Monday, August 6, 2007

September Fundraiser


WHAT: Huge yard sale

WHY: To benefit families touched by Pediatric cancer.

WHEN: September 21st & 22nd, 2007

WHERE: 5300 5th Ave. N.
St.Petersburg, FL 33710

WHAT WE NEED: Donations of all kinds!! Furniture, money, toys, clothes, games, books, baby things, bikes, electronics, arts, crafts, etc. NO JUNK!!
(727)328-8144 or

**Please tell everyone you know!! I have an empty garage right next door to store donations. We want to raise awareness of the need for blood donations and the NMDP too. (National Marrow Donor Program)

*** More details to come!!

1 comment:

PC said...

Hi Amy! I love the pics of the doggies. They are so cute. Thanks for praying for me as things are quite rocky. My site is on cb ad t is visit/pam2007