Tuesday, February 24, 2009

a new blog

I just looked over at my calender and I can't believe that it's almost March. Wasn't it just Christmas? I'm kinda stuck in a funk lately. It's just so strange to not have my mom and grandma. I could call my mom and tell her everything going on in my life and she would listen and actually care. I tend to drive Matt crazy with that kind of thing. I just got these really cool drapers in our dining room and I keep wanting to call and tell her about them. I know that she would be very happy that Jeff Gordon finished 2nd in Sunday's race.
Life is moving along even if I don't want it to. Each new day makes her death more real. It's hard to say good bye when I'm still struggling with her not being here. I'm sure that I sound like a broken record but it's the truth. It just sucks!
We have done a few fun thing lately that I haven't blogged about. A couple weeks ago we went to the Florida State Fair and had a blast. We tried the famous deep fried Twinkies and oreo's. They were pretty good but they need to use the double stuff oreo's. This was my first trip to any state fair. We were able to catch some of the dogs racing.....Jack Russell Terrier's that is. They were so funny and very loud. Getting the dogs in the box was a challenge to most of the owners. Some of the dogs were to scared to run or come out of the box. They even had sharks in a huge tank. We had a great time together as a family.
This past weekend we went to a birthday party at Seminole Park. The weather was perfect, the food was great, and the company was awesome. Happy sweet 16 Rachel!! Saturday evening Matt took the boy's to the Monster Truck show over in Tampa. This was Austin's first time going and he loved it. They were all pretty excited that all the trucks got broken in the freestyle event. What could be more fun than watching huge trucks wreck and break?
Savannah and I stayed home for some girl time. We did each others hair, make-up, and nails. I'll get some pictures up soon. Nana looked like a princess and I looked like I got in a fight with a few tubes of lipstick....and lost. We all had a great day.

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