Friday, May 30, 2008


I decided to surprise the kids yesterday after school by taking them to the beach. We were all excited to play in the water and collect some shells. We went to Treasure Island because it's free to park there. It's also the widest beach on the west coast of Florida. The weather was perfect with a nice breeze. Everyone was having fun.
The kids were all digging in the sand and I decided to go for a swim in the Gulf....bad idea!! Stingray mating season is in the summer and it brings all the rays to shallow water. Everyone that lives around here knows to do the "Stingray Shuffle" to scare them away. I was doing that and out of nowhere I feel something get my right foot. Sure enough I got stung and it hurt sooooooooo bad! So here I am in unbelievable pain alone with three kids. I called Matt at work and he dropped everything to come and get us. The walk to the van from the water was not so fun. Treatment is to soak your foot in very hot salt water for a couple hours. It took about 30 minutes to get home and my foot soaking.
It's feeling much better today. About 1/2 my right foot is black and blue and very tender. As much as that sucked it would have been so much worse if one of the kids had got hit. I will be keeping out of the water for a while at least until mating season is over.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

owww!That doesn't sound the least bit fun. Sorry your day at the beach ended that way. Hope your foot feels better soon.
