Thursday, February 18, 2010

More good stuff!!

I can't believe how awesome I feel lately!! It  really feels good to not be in pain all the time. I hurt my back the end of last April and it was non-stop pain for almost a year. I still have numbness in my right leg and half of my right foot. My doctor said I have a 70-80% chance of it going away. He said that if it stays numb, that I should just get used to it after a year. It's a little weird but not painful, so I'm okay with that. How can I complain when the pain is gone?
I am so thankful to God for always being with me. The truth is just so refeshing. I'm thankful for all my friends and family that are always by my side as well. I have such an fulfilling life. I have the pleasure of watching my kids gown and learn. I have special moments with each one everyday. I have my perfect soul mate in Matt. We fall more in love everyday.
I now have a part-time job!! I'm watching a friends 7 month old son a couple days a week. Dylan is such a good boy. We have a lot of fun. Savannah loves having him around. I need to get ready for him now!

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