Saturday, February 13, 2010

Better days are here!

I am happy to say that I am pretty much pain free these days!! The injections have really helped and I am now off all my pain meds. Those of you that know me well know how hard it is to say good-bye to the pills. I hate them and hope I never need them again. These same pills are what killed my mom and uncle. They are evil.
I am feeling awesome and losing weight. I'm working on exercise and eating right. I feel like my body was telling me that I've abused it long enough. So far I'm down 15 pounds and I have 50 more I want to lose. I dream about the day that I don't have to shop in plus sizes.
Moving on with life has been so difficult. I miss my grandma, mom and uncle everyday. I'm mad that my mom and uncle couldn't quit the drugs. I'm mad that they aren't here. I hate that they had to live that way for so long. Being addicted to drugs is the absolute worst thing you could do to yourself. I am here to break that cycle for good. I promise to do better. I promise to never die of a drug overdose. I don't want my family to ever have to deal with that again. I will make my mom proud!
Thanks for checking in on me, I am really doing great now!!


jag said...

I am so happy to hear you're doing better!
Routing for you always,

Unknown said...

I love you more than you know. You're awesome and You ROCK.