Saturday, November 28, 2009


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday. We had a great time for sure! I cooked a turkey (my best one ever), stuffing, green bean casarole, 2 pumkin pies, an apple pie, crumb cake, chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, and deviled eggs. We ate at Tony and Kelly's house and Kelly cooked a ham, corn casarole, veggies, mashed potatoes and dinner rolls. Kelly was awesome and did most of the clean up while I relaxed, I was beat from the days of cooking. We make a great team when it comes to holiday cooking. It was great to have my Mother-in-law Donna there with Ralph. Carol also joined us and had a great time. Carol is Matt's dad's first wife and still a big part of the family. Her and Donna had a good time catching up. It was a great day!
I sure did miss my Mom this Thanksgiving, it was my first without her. I am certain that she is in a much better place now and I give thanks for that. December 7th will be one year without her. It just doesn't seem possible. I have been following her former doctor in the news. His licence was suspended in late October for 90 days. I really hope that he never practice medicine again. My mom is one of many that have died of a drug overdose. Click here to read the latest article about him.
I did some Christmas shopping yesterday. I didn't head out until 9am and it was still pretty busy. I only went to WalMart and Toy's R Us. The line at Toy's R Us was about a 45 minute wait! I got a great deal so it was worth it. It so much fun shopping for Savannah. The boy's only want video games these days and that's not so fun for me.
My friend Anissa is still in a coma but trying to wake up. Her family could really use ours prayers. Her youngest daughter is really having a rough time without her mom. Her update will now be here.

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